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Bedietra Adriz Rachmania. Hugs and kisses for you♥

Jumat, Juni 25

cheer up your holiday

aku jarang bgt ya post new entry gt kadang suka males sih hehehehe, aku biasanya baru mood ngeblog kalo habis liat blog orang yang bagus, ga mau kalah padahal ya aku jg ga ahli blogging hehehe.

by the way, sekarang musim liburan kan yaa, kebetulan aku kelas 9 jadi libur panjang bgttt dari pengumuman kelulusan sampai masuk sma (sekitar 2 bulanan kalo diitung2) jarang bgt ke skolah, sampai2 sebelum libur resmi (19 Juni 2010 - 12 Juli 2010) aku udh ngluyur ke Bandung sama ayah ibu duluan B) soalnya kalo ke Bandung pas liburan bisa dipastikan macet cet cetttt.

berangkat dari Semarang Senin 14 Juni 2010 11 a.m makan di tegal jam 2.30 p.m dan sampe Cirebon jam 5 p.m aku sekeluarga nginep di cirebon semalem soalnya ayah ga kuat nyetir Semarang - Bandung langsungan. nginep di rumah tante di jalan pembangun, ah paling betah deh di rumah tante yang ini, anaknya lucu2 sih, Dani Danu Dina ;3 pinter2 juga kayak sepupunya ;p trus besoknya kita nglanjutin perjalanan deh ke Bandung berangkat jam 10 an solat makan di sumedang jam 1 an dan nyampe di Bandung nya jam 3.30 an --___-- lama sekali.

pertama, ngampirin kost-an kakak di daerah kebonbibit trus ke penginepan deh. Namanya Graha Cimbeluit, kita ngira nya alah paling standart kebawah lah trus kita smp di sana kok bagus, habis recepsionist trus ada gym nya trus ada cafenya juga ah moga2 bagus lah. Eh begitu nyampe kamarnya,,,,,,, jederrrrrrr kecil bangettt!!!! 3x4 udah termasuk kmar mandi, dipake buat org 4 pula. Malemnya, karena bingung mau makan dimana, akhirnya kita makan di foodcourt Bandung Indah Plaza.

Setelah makan disana kita cari hotel di daerah atas, akhirnya dapet deh Wirton hotel, Dago atas, kita book buat besok malem dan malem berikutnya. Alhamdulillah nemu hotel bintang juga, susah nyarinya loh, soalnya pas ada SNMPTN ITB dan daftar ulang bagi yg udh keterima lewat UM itb. Balik penginepan, tidurrrr, aku juga lupa gimana bisa waktu itu tidur disana desek2an -0- .

Besok siangnya kita lgsg checkout penginepan dan cabs ke BIP lagi soalnya belum puas semalem hehehe, lumayan dapet barang lucu2 buat oleh2 ke temen2 di purezento

:D habis dr BIP ke BEC deh seberangnya, isinyaaaa.... cuma barang2 elektronik sih hehe gapapalah mampir :D hbs dr BEC checkin deh ke wirton dan sorenya ke Factory Outlet di Dago, Grande Blossom doang sih, shopping time!!!! Trus makan malamnya di Pasir Kaliki Foodbazzaar saking banyaknyaaaa makanan sampe bingung milihnya =.=

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010 ke Ciwalk sebentar doang sih jalan2 aja, siangnya ke Pasar Baruu :p beli oleh2 buat sodara sodara. Ibu kalo disini berasa di surga ya belanja krudung murah2. Setelah pasar baru, ke Trunojoyo deh, its my time woohooo. Udah belanjanya hari ini - ke roti bakar MADTARI ♥♥ . hv u ever taste it? Highly recomended!!!!


my mom's

Jumatnya cuma ke FO yang di daerah RIAU palingan cascade-heritage. Yippiiieee bigsale!!! My dad bought a branded shirt only 30000!!! Oya, tadinya mau mampir ke 18 park tapi ternyata udah tutup dan ganti jadi Sahara, bagus2 juga barangnya, ga terlalu mahal kok. Actually that was my last day on Bandung :( Check out hotel trus beli oleh2 ke Kartika Sari, sekarang tokonya bagus amat yakkk

setelah belanja cheesesticks dan molen disana kita makan siang di Sambara (si ibu cerewet minta makan sunda padahal samping sekolahku juga ada sambara) tapi memang sih rasa dan suasananya lebih "Sunda" disana drpada yg di Semarang, apa cuma sugesti ya? hehehe. dan akhirnyaaa kami balik ke Semarang (sama kakak juga skg) eh ga ding nginep Cirebon dulu sih hehe. Nice trip btw =D How about you?:)

Sabtu, Mei 8


- 06 May 2010 : 8 am ==>My name was in the list of prospective students who pass the first stage of SMAN 3 Semarang. Alhamdulillah:D But its still first stage, but this is still the first stage, I still have to study hard to be accepted in that school, Amin amin amin wish me luck.

- o7 May 2010 : 2 pm ==>
I graduated from high school with satisfying mark. I got 37.10 for the total mark. 8.8 for the Indonesian language, 9.8 for English, and 9.25 for mathematics and Science. Alhamdulillah, Thank God, for the bless you gave to me, my friends, my school. Thank God for the bless so we can achieve a realy realy precious achievement. The mean of my school was 36,56 and 100 % passed. My school got the 2nd rank for the Semarang city under the SMP Semesta (private) and 3rd rank in Central Java under the SMP 1 Magelang and SMP Semesta. Even my school achieve 15th rank in my country Indonesia:) Subhanallah Im proud to be one of the student in SMP N 2 Semarang.

Once again, Thank God, Thank you Mommy, Daddy, Teacher, Thank you 9 B, Erin, Citra, Sasa, Tyas, Dinda, Thanks to be very very good partner for me

Senin, Mei 3


Heyyy! How are you all guys? Its been long time since I wrote the last post:pp Yeah I think you know why I was vacoom to post an entry. Im full of exam! National Exam then School Exam then International Exam and Practice exam including "Arts Perform" hihi Im lucky to be one of the crew. There are 5 Guest Stars ===> Get Up and Go, Rainbow After Rain, Nice to Meet You, Ambulance Panic Voice and yuhuu Electrical Address.

Arts Perform have done, and now IM FREEEEE!!!! Oyah I register myself to be the student of 3 Senior High School Semarang. Yeah Its the most favorite SHS at my city. Hopefully Allah permit me to study at Smaga amien:) Thats enough for now. Dadaaaahhh!

Minggu, Mei 2


New template! hope you all like it:)

Sabtu, Februari 20


Formed in November 18th 2006, RAN is the acronym from the 3 members, Rayi (vocal/rap), Asta (guitar) and Nino (vocal). They studied at the same high school. Rayi and Asta, who were in the same level made a band with their schoolmates named F.R.D., which had won band festivals, and once played in Malaysia as well. When they graduated, they decided to disperse the band. So at that time, Rayi and Asta just made and arrange songs in Asta’s room.
They hung out with Nino who was their junior in high school soon after that. Joining in Asta’s place making songs. Then when they joined Insof (Indonesian Song Festival) in Jakarta, they got the 2nd place. So they decided to make a group, since they felt that they have the congruence in making songs. They named the group RAN.
A producer from KEP Media and Universal Music Indonesia soon offered them to make an album after that. So they recorded their first album titled “RAN For Your Life”, and released it in December 2007. The group band defined their music as fun, fresh, and friendly. The pop creative RAN offers music lovers many genres, such as R&B, soul, hip hop, jazz, reggae, dance, etc. Their first single “Pandangan Pertama” got 1st place in some TV & radio charts. Apparently, many people loves these 3 boys and RAN happened to get 130,000 and more fans in their Friendster account, and also 102,000 and more in their Facebook page.
Supported by talented additional music players, they make dynamic arrangements on their live performances. Local medias gives good praises for RAN’s music and can be seen in many good album reviews they wrote.

RAN’s performance in Java Jazz 2008 was watched by more than 3,000 people, and they got it filmed and released in DVD version; “RAN Live at Java Jazz Festival 2008”.

RAN was also chosen as a brand ambassador for Wall’s Conello. They got “Rookie of the Year” in Rolling Stone Editor’s Choice Award 2009, and also “Best Group/Duo” in Kids Choice Awards 2009 which was held by Nickelodeon.
RAN has just released their 2nd album titled “Friday” in August 2009, which gets many good feedback from public and the medias too. They were also invited to perform in Carnaval SoundNation 2009 in Melbourne, Australia. The band now is busy promoting the second album, Playing on gigs, and preparing material for the third album. RAN for your life!





follow @bedietradriz ya thankyou:D

Rabu, September 23

lagu jaman dulu tapi suka deh

some people live for the fortune
some people live just for the fame
some people live for the power, yeah
some people live just to play the game
some people think that the physical things
define what's within
and I've been there before
but that life's a bore
so full of the superficial

some people want it all
but I don't want nothing at all
if it ain't you baby
if I ain't got you baby
some people want diamond rings
some just want everything
but everything means nothing
if I ain't got you, Yeah

some people search for a fountain
that promises forever young
some people need three dozen roses
and that's the only way to prove you love them
hand me the world on a silver platter
and what good would it be
no one to share
with no one who truly cares for me

some people want it all
but I don't want nothing at all
if it ain't you baby
if I ain't got you baby
some people want diamond rings
some just want everything
but everything means nothing
if I ain't got you, you, you

some people want it all
but I don't want nothing at all
if it ain't you baby
if I ain't got you baby
some people want diamond rings
some just want everything
but everything means nothing
if I ain't got you, yeah

alicia keys - if I Ain't got you this one somuuuuuch okayy bye!