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Bedietra Adriz Rachmania. Hugs and kisses for you♥

Sabtu, Mei 8


- 06 May 2010 : 8 am ==>My name was in the list of prospective students who pass the first stage of SMAN 3 Semarang. Alhamdulillah:D But its still first stage, but this is still the first stage, I still have to study hard to be accepted in that school, Amin amin amin wish me luck.

- o7 May 2010 : 2 pm ==>
I graduated from high school with satisfying mark. I got 37.10 for the total mark. 8.8 for the Indonesian language, 9.8 for English, and 9.25 for mathematics and Science. Alhamdulillah, Thank God, for the bless you gave to me, my friends, my school. Thank God for the bless so we can achieve a realy realy precious achievement. The mean of my school was 36,56 and 100 % passed. My school got the 2nd rank for the Semarang city under the SMP Semesta (private) and 3rd rank in Central Java under the SMP 1 Magelang and SMP Semesta. Even my school achieve 15th rank in my country Indonesia:) Subhanallah Im proud to be one of the student in SMP N 2 Semarang.

Once again, Thank God, Thank you Mommy, Daddy, Teacher, Thank you 9 B, Erin, Citra, Sasa, Tyas, Dinda, Thanks to be very very good partner for me

Senin, Mei 3


Heyyy! How are you all guys? Its been long time since I wrote the last post:pp Yeah I think you know why I was vacoom to post an entry. Im full of exam! National Exam then School Exam then International Exam and Practice exam including "Arts Perform" hihi Im lucky to be one of the crew. There are 5 Guest Stars ===> Get Up and Go, Rainbow After Rain, Nice to Meet You, Ambulance Panic Voice and yuhuu Electrical Address.

Arts Perform have done, and now IM FREEEEE!!!! Oyah I register myself to be the student of 3 Senior High School Semarang. Yeah Its the most favorite SHS at my city. Hopefully Allah permit me to study at Smaga amien:) Thats enough for now. Dadaaaahhh!

Minggu, Mei 2


New template! hope you all like it:)